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The Book

Skill Sheets is a practical resource for understanding and developing core skills that all university students need to obtain. In a very concise manner, this book shows how these skills are related and how one can develop and work with many skills simultaneously. With these skills to hand, students are able to maintain a better focus on the content of their course. Developed and at RSM Erasmus University, it has been thoroughly tested over many years by both students and professors, and improved accordingly.


Rob van Tulder, Professor of International Business-Society Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam/Rotterdam School of Management. He holds a PhD degree (cum laude) in social sciences from the University of Amsterdam. Published in particular on the following topics: European Business, Multinationals, high-tech industries, Corporate Social Responsibility, the global car industry, issues of standardisation, network strategies, smaller industrial countries (welfare states) and European Community/Union policies.

How to purchase

The book – Skill Sheets – An Integrated Approach to Research, Study and Management - (2018, ISBN 9789043033503) can be ordered directly online by clicking one of the following links depending your country of origin:

Dutch Dutch buyers

International buyers International buyers

Skill Solutions

This website is dedicated to professors, teachers and tutors teaching skills at colleges or universities. The site is developed around the Skill Sheets collection, but we trust that this site will also be of help to those of you that do not use the Skill Sheets (yet!).

We believe that you can benefit from this site regardless of whether you teach a designated skills course or teach a ‘content oriented’ course. When teaching a content oriented course you might be confronted with students that you believe could further develop their skills levels; making both their own and your life easier.

The Skill Sheets collection has been designed as a practical tool to help students work through the ‘skill circle’ and linking the various skills at ever higher levels of mastery and sophistication (cf. table below). Once students have understood the basic logic of this approach, they will find hard to stop learning!

learning cycles in Skill Development

'An Integrated Approach to Research, Study and Management'